Even though it rained, I went with two really good friend to Utrecht. Just to socializing but obviously also to visit some shops. First we went to the 'Trick and Treats' a sweets shop and it was amazing.

And ofcourse we had to buy something. For 4,95 we had five macarons. From left to right: green pistachio, orange passion fruit, pink raspbeery. blue vanilla and yellow mango. My favourite is the blue one, vanilla! Besides macarons they sell more. They have special chocolate, cupcakes, cookies and more. I have never eat something like a macerone but this one was very delicous.
Together with my two lovelly friends Rima en Babette!
Also during my trip to Utrecht I came to this shop: Italini. A beautifully store with the best ice flavours. They also sell smoothies like the picture. I chose the flavour: mango, pineapple and mandarin. And it was a refreshing taste. Besides smoothies and ice cream, they sell also delicous coffee and waffles ( dutch: stoopwafels ). It is located at 215 Nobelstraat and it is defenitly woth to watch when you are in Utrecht.
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